Technology is Overrated

Do you Twitter? I’m trying to decide if I should. I’m thinking about doing it, so a friend told me to go ahead and set up my Twitter account and follow other people. The cocktail party concept, you have to listen to some of the conversation before jumping in. So, I set up a Twitter account. “It’s so easy, everyone says, only takes a minute. Find some people, follow them and you’re done.”

So, I set up the account. First, I had to spend some time thinking what my Twitter “handle” (name) would be. Good grief – what a decision. Should I go with my real name? Should I go with a pseudonym? Do you have to worry about cyber stalking on Twitter? I was really just worried about not following Twitter protocol under my real name, but I decided if I’m going to do this, it might as well be for real. So my Twitter handle is @camillestell.

Next, I had to figure out how to follow people. I’m sure for those who aren’t technologically challenged, all of this is a breeze. But I have to do research. Look at FAQ, find the home page with directions, ask friends. It’s ridiculous. But I finally pick several people to follow and I’m attending a virtual cocktail party and just listening. Except I can’t find one of my friends that I know tweets, Jennifer G. So I email Jennifer G., “what’s your Twitter name?”. She replies that her Twitter handle (right, not a name, a handle) is jennafleur. Great, I go back to my profile and put “jennafleur” in the search line – except it’s not the search line. Augh – I just tweeted Jennifer’s name. Of course, no one is following me – but this is exactly the reason that I wasn’t sure I was competent to participate in Twitter and the reason I didn’t want to use my real name.

Someone tells me not to worry, you can delete tweets. So, tonight, I’ve spent 20 minutes reading FAQ, reading the directions on the home page and asking friends “how do you delete a tweet?” Just click the trash icon. Which sounds easy enough, except, I can’t find the trash icon. So, I sigh, decide that at least I’ve gained a blog post out of all of this, and I turn off the computer. Technology does not make me happy.


  1. Camille- you'll get the hang of it! No worries ;) Love your blog!

  2. step closer to Facebook. ;-)


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