Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

Do you like Thanksgiving? I do. I’m already counting down the days and looking forward to both the food and the company. But since Thanksgiving is about counting our blessings, this is a good time to reflect on 2009 and the bounty the year provided.

During a time when so many people were losing jobs or were fearful of losing jobs, I was blessed to get a new job. I joined a company where I had worked before – but in a new position. Many of the pains of a new job I didn’t have to experience, I knew the people, I knew the culture and I knew many of the job skills that I would be expected to perform. The company culture fits me well, I have friends and colleagues I enjoy spending my time with and I’m intellectually challenged by my duties. If I had to write the perfect job description for me, this would be it. My career change definitely counts as a blessing.

In a time of war, when many families are torn apart by deployments, serious injury or even death, I am surrounded by people I love and who love me. My mom is healthy and happy, our siblings are doing well, including my sister-in-law who has battled cancer with courage and grace and a positive attitude, and my precious nieces and nephews continue to delight and inspire. God bless our troops who provide protection, and God bless my family who holds such a special place in my heart.

I am blessed beyond my expectations with good friends. My friends support and encourage me whether my church friends, work friends, old or new friends. I delight in long lunches catching up or quick emails sharing the latest news. I count my friends among my greatest riches.

Next Thursday, I’ll be spending the day with the people I love the most, my immediate and extended family. We will eat too much, we will laugh out loud and we’ll exclaim over how the kids have grown. I’ll eat more pumpkin pie than I should and then complain about a tight waistband. But most important will be the thanks that my family and I will offer to God for the glorious bounty He has provided.


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