Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
Do you like Thanksgiving? I do. I’m already counting down the days and looking forward to both the food and the company. But since Thanksgiving is about counting our blessings, this is a good time to reflect on 2009 and the bounty the year provided. During a time when so many people were losing jobs or were fearful of losing jobs, I was blessed to get a new job. I joined a company where I had worked before – but in a new position. Many of the pains of a new job I didn’t have to experience, I knew the people, I knew the culture and I knew many of the job skills that I would be expected to perform. The company culture fits me well, I have friends and colleagues I enjoy spending my time with and I’m intellectually challenged by my duties. If I had to write the perfect job description for me, this would be it. My career change definitely counts as a blessing. In a time of war, when many families are torn apart by deployments, serious injury or even death, I am surrounded by people I love a...