
Showing posts from November, 2009

Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

Do you like Thanksgiving? I do. I’m already counting down the days and looking forward to both the food and the company. But since Thanksgiving is about counting our blessings, this is a good time to reflect on 2009 and the bounty the year provided. During a time when so many people were losing jobs or were fearful of losing jobs, I was blessed to get a new job. I joined a company where I had worked before – but in a new position. Many of the pains of a new job I didn’t have to experience, I knew the people, I knew the culture and I knew many of the job skills that I would be expected to perform. The company culture fits me well, I have friends and colleagues I enjoy spending my time with and I’m intellectually challenged by my duties. If I had to write the perfect job description for me, this would be it. My career change definitely counts as a blessing. In a time of war, when many families are torn apart by deployments, serious injury or even death, I am surrounded by people I love a...

Technology is Overrated

Do you Twitter? I’m trying to decide if I should. I’m thinking about doing it, so a friend told me to go ahead and set up my Twitter account and follow other people. The cocktail party concept, you have to listen to some of the conversation before jumping in. So, I set up a Twitter account. “It’s so easy, everyone says, only takes a minute. Find some people, follow them and you’re done.” So, I set up the account. First, I had to spend some time thinking what my Twitter “handle” (name) would be. Good grief – what a decision. Should I go with my real name? Should I go with a pseudonym? Do you have to worry about cyber stalking on Twitter? I was really just worried about not following Twitter protocol under my real name, but I decided if I’m going to do this, it might as well be for real. So my Twitter handle is @camillestell. Next, I had to figure out how to follow people. I’m sure for those who aren’t technologically challenged, all of this is a breeze. But I have to do research. Look a...