Woody Allen said that eighty percent of success is simply showing up. This is excellent advice for the writer facing a blank page. If you can just put your pen to the page or your fingers to the keyboard and begin to write some words, any words at all, you have taken the first step to successful writing. The motivation is to fill the void of the empty page. It would be great if the words that filled the void were poetic or dramatic or romantic. However, as all writers know, sometimes we are just pleased to have words on the page. Every time a writer writes, she leaves a little part of her behind. A memorial, if you will, to the thoughts she had on a given day at a given time. Many people long to leave a legacy. This is why coliseums are named after donors with lots of money. The statute or the name plate left behind will mark their presence. For those with fewer resources or other desires, the written word is a testament to a life lived. So for today, my motivation to get ...