
Showing posts from March, 2010

Happy Birthday

This is my birthday month. I’m such a fan of birthdays, I love parties, I love cake and I love presents. Though I’m a little old to expect all of those things on my special day, I still love it when it happens. Of course, as we age, birthdays have a different perspective. Instead of a celebration, they also become a day for reflection. Are we living the life we thought we would? Are we making a significant contribution to the world? Do we love and are we loved? I’m fortunate as I answer these questions. My life is so full, my cup runneth over! Time is another thing we contemplate on our birthdays. Where have the years gone? How did I go from 10 to 20 to almost 50 in the blink of an eye? Middle-age seemed like something that was so far away for such a long time, but if I am middle-aged now, that means I’ll live to be almost a 100. Hmm, maybe I’m not middle-aged anymore, then what to call this time? When I was younger, middle-age meant a time of crisis, frumpy, and generally out of tou...